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Andrii Parkhomenko
Assistant Professor | University of Southern California - Marshall School of Business

Working Groups

Economists for Ukraine: An organization of economists and other academics from all over the world working to help protect Ukraine against Russian invasion. We work on analyses of key factors behind the Russian aggression, understanding its consequences, coordination with international organizations on policy responses such as sanctions, and proactive planning to rebuild Ukraine after the war.

Rebuilding Ukraine

Rebuilding Ukraine: Principles and Policies. This CEPR report summarizes principles and policies that underlie the process of rebuilding Ukraine after the war. In the chapter "Accelerating urban economic growth in Ukraine," together with Richard Green, Vernon Henderson, Matt Kahn, and Alex Nikolsko-Rzhevskyy, we study rebuilding Ukrainian cities. For a short summary, see the VoxEU column about our chapter.


Helping Ukraine: How to donate effectively? Suggestions on how to maximize the impact of individual donations
Nova Ukraine: humanitarian aid
Kyiv School of Economics: both humanitarian and protective military aid
Come Back Alive: military aid